Accepted Sessions

Artificial Intelligence in DNN

A tour of AI domains with ready-to-use DNN services

Jean-Sylvain Boige
100 & 200
Date and Time
6/4/2016 11:40 AM

The development of Artificial Intelligence has been closely related to many technological progresses since the advent of computer science, but it wasn’t until recently that it started to become ubiquitous, announcing a major revolution.

With such an exciting and intimidating prospect, one could wonder what it means for a modern web developer, and how best to embrace it from a DNN perspective.

We’ll introduce the main areas AI useful to a web developer: problem solving, games, constraint satisfaction, logic and knowledge engineering, probabilistic reasoning and modeling, natural language processing, deep learning and evolutionary approaches.

With each of those fields, we’ll provide simple DNN examples in the form of ready-to-use web services, and suggestions on how to integrate them in your own applications.

About the speakers

Jean-Sylvain Boige
Jean-Sylvain (Jesse) has been CTO and chief architect of Aricie since 2004. Aricie is a French IT company which promoted DNN in France since version 2.

With a strong scientific pedigree - an MSc in Telecoms and Computer Science at ENSTB (FR) and an MRes in Artificial Intelligence at Sussex University (UK)- Jean-Sylvain was the one to pick DNN as the core platform for the development architecture of Aricie.

In charge of 10 DNN experts, he has developed many dedicated modules and conducted numerous projects on DNN with his team. He regularly provides development training sessions to IT and ISV companies. His drive made Aricie a respectful module vendor with 15+ modules available to the community.

As a passionate engineer and software integrator, he studied every aspect of DNN and numerous integrative Frameworks to sharpen his approach and initiate research projects. His strengths are his academic background in math and AI, the capacity to transmit his knowledge and the curiosity to look beyond the obvious.