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DNN-Connect Blogs

Peter Donker

DNN Connect 2016 early bird registration now available

DNN Connect 2016 has just opened its doors. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of last year’s DNN conference held in the South of France: DNN Connect 2015. We hope to repeat this success in Girona, Spain (just North of Barcelona) with DNN Connect 2016. This event will bring together DNN’ers from all over the planet in a rural, relaxed atmosphere to talk DNN. We feel there is no better way to network then over a good meal, with a fine wine surrounded by like-minded spirits. The top minds of DNN will be there to talk to you about the latest in DNN and ASP.NET. But we also encourage people to speak about how they’re running their business, how they leverage DNN to maximize their benefits. The opportunity we present is to bring all of you together and give you ample time to socialize.

To MVC or not to MVC

As most of us are enjoying a summer break (I’m addressing the European crowd of course) we have the opportunity to rethink our work from the helicopter view of our deck chair sipping a well deserved Mojito. And many of us will undoubtedly at one point or other ponder on the future of .net, DNN and our ecosystem. We even devoted a whole conference to it this year. And it’s all still very much “work in progress” when you examine what is happening at Microsoft and DNN Corp. So are we really screwed or not? Is it five past twelve? Did we miss the bus? Should we have listened to our nephew telling us to get with the mainstream and go LAMP? Here are some random thoughts on the ongoing debate and single page applications (SPA) as modules.

DNN-Connect 431 6
Peter Donker 5153 30
Declan Ward 560 1