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DNN-Connect Blogs

From loosely bound to officially approved. DNN Connect now is an association

We are happy to announce that starting from March 1st DNN-Connect has the official status of a non-profit association governed by its present statutes and Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.

After a perpetual internal discussion more or less starting at the first DNN-Europe meeting in 2009 in Switzerland and persued at other meetings in Belgium(2012) and more lately at the famous fireplace meeting in Girona, Spain in 2013, we finally performed the last step and founded what is now the operator of this website and steward of future inniatives and events, the DNN-Connect Association.

You can read more about the goals of the association here, work yourself through our statutes here and finally join the association here.

The association needs your support and the first thing you should do right away is become a member. In the long run there is more of course. We invite you to contribute not only to the platform but also, and maybe even more importantly, in the community trough active participation in our forums and future events.

DNN-Connect 431 6
Peter Donker 5153 30
Declan Ward 560 1