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DNN-Connect Blogs

Poster Sessions

There is some confusion about the poster sessions we will have at DNN Connect 2015. I’ll try to elaborate on what we had in mind for this part of the conference. The idea was borne out of the fact that we wanted to cut back on the “product presentation” sessions we normally have in the conference. Many of you have great projects you are working on and traditionally our conference has been a vehicle to present those projects to your peers. But this year there is a lot to talk about regarding the technological changes at Microsoft and around DNN. So we’re going to experiment with a different format.

What we intend to do is to print out a maximum of 20 posters that we hang up in one of our conference rooms. This will be in the evening and right next to the bar. Then, the authors of those posters will be required to stand with their poster and the others will be invited to make a tour. The idea is that this format will allow people to gather round the projects they find interesting and can ask questions.

So head over to and start adding those posters. You’ll be asked to fill in a form to submit your project:

2015-05-04 10_24_01

The resulting record of data will be automatically converted to a PDF by us. You can check the PDF for yourself on the project details page by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. Use this to check how it looks and keep tweaking your project until you get a nice poster. Make sure you have a few visuals to liven up the page.

I hope this answers all your questions regarding this new feature of our event. If you have any other questions you can ask them in the comments below.

Jan Jonas
Jan Jonas  Can we add HTML to the project's description to format the text? It seems, that this is not supported in PDF export, but on the website.
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Jan Jonas
Jan Jonas  Next question: How do I publish my poster? The detial page shows no data when I'm not logged in.
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Peter Donker (Host)
Peter Donker (Host)  I have to OK it. The list is moderated ...
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DNN-Connect 431 6
Peter Donker 5153 30
Declan Ward 559 1