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DNN Connect 2018 Call for Speakers

Dear DNN enthusiast.

We need you. Specifically your knowhow and experience. Our conference is built on sharing what we know with each other. The tech world moves all too quickly around us and if you're like me you can only invest in understanding a tiny fraction of what is happening. The rest? Well, we just accept we can't know everything. But it's great that every year we can share what we've learned among ourselves at DNN Connect.

Here are some subjects you may have encountered in projects and/or have invested time in: GDPR, MVC module development with library X, .net Core, Entity Framework, Liquid Content, Docker, Bootstrap 4, Typescript, Cross platform mobile development, CSS Grids, Serverless, AI, IoT etc etc. Or you may have had a special experience applying something for a particular project that could interest others. Or you may have business ideas relating to DNN/Open Source. Please consider sharing this with your peers at DNN Connect.

One of the things I'd love to see this year are (short) presentations about the possible .net core future of DNN. As you might well be aware, the new DNN Technology Advisory Group is debating how DNN might have a .net core future. Do you have a vision or opinion about this? What parts of the current platform should we preserve? What features could be culled? Should we do data access entirely differently? Or any other particular pet peeve related to the architecture of the platform: here's your audience. Think of 30 min presentations meant to stir debate. And it doesn't have to be technical either. It could also be about the market positioning of DNN, for instance. We have an open mind. The idea is to create a track dedicated to this.

As you may know if you've been to our event before: we are the perfect audience to practice your presentation skills and/or bounce new ideas off. It's like presenting to friends. Coming from all corners of Europe we are used to speakers for whom English is a second language. It's the norm, not the exception. What we share is a passion for DNN. If you have that, you can't miss. DNN Connect was founded on the adage "by the community, for the community". We don't pay our speakers, but besides a gift they get a lot of appreciation from our audience. Please consider becoming a DNN Connect speaker. You won't regret it.

All you need to do is to log in to our site and navigate to You'll see a button "Add Session". Add your session by filling in the details and when you're happy with it press "submit" to submit it for review and inclusion in our event.

Thank you!

The DNN Connect Team

DNN-Connect 431 6
Peter Donker 5153 30
Declan Ward 560 1