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DNN-Connect Blogs

DNN Connect 2016 early bird registration now available

DNN Connect 2016 has just opened its doors. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of last year’s DNN conference held in the South of France: DNN Connect 2015. We hope to repeat this success in Girona, Spain (just North of Barcelona) with DNN Connect 2016. This event will bring together DNN’ers from all over the planet in a rural, relaxed atmosphere to talk DNN. We feel there is no better way to network then over a good meal, with a fine wine surrounded by like-minded spirits. The top minds of DNN will be there to talk to you about the latest in DNN and ASP.NET. But we also encourage people to speak about how they’re running their business, how they leverage DNN to maximize their benefits. The opportunity we present is to bring all of you together and give you ample time to socialize.

DNN Connect 2015 – it’s a wrap

I'm staring at my monitor with empty editor window open trying to come up with words to describe what has just happened. 3 days of being caught in some kind of whirlwind. Smiles and hugs, presentations, discussions, eating and drinking. And more discussions. And more drinking. And more discussions. And lots of laughing. And then it all slowly evaporates and we each make our way home. How to write down something that remotely approaches the experiences of those 3 days? Here's an attempt.

Poster Sessions

There is some confusion about the poster sessions we will have at DNN Connect 2015. I’ll try to elaborate on what we had in mind for this part of the conference. The idea was borne out of the fact that we wanted to cut back on the “product presentation” sessions we normally have in the conference. Many of you have great projects you are working on and traditionally our conference has been a vehicle to present those projects to your peers. But this year there is a lot to talk about regarding the technological changes at Microsoft and around DNN. So we’re going to experiment with a different format.

DNN Connect 2015 Program

We are thrilled to announce the program for DNN Connect 2015. This year we have taken a more active approach to content and have attempted to drive it with focus on two main themes: DNN 8 and neXt/ vNext and mobile. There is a lot of noise around the changes that are happening at and DNN. Basically is being rewritten from the ground up and we can expect that some features that DNN uses will no longer be available to us. In part these changes are informed by “the mobile era” that we can ill afford to ignore. To make sense of all this we are very excited that Microsoft have agreed to send a speaker from their own team and we will welcome Eilon Lipton in our midst for this event. Together with DNN’s chief architect Charles Nurse you will have access to the very people that are shaping these changes.

Yet Another Showcase (YAS)

Over the past few days I’ve put together a module that implements yet another showcase. “Showcase”, here is similar to what the “Forge” does on the official DNN site. Why would I do this? Good question. What provoked it initially, was the upcoming DNN Connect 2015 conference and my desire to allow people to “showcase” their work/ideas. What I had in mind was what we dubbed “poster sessions”. Basically the ability to put up a poster on a wall in a predetermined format. Now we could just say: OK people, “you can bring an A2 poster to the event and we’ll put it up” but then we’re going to get all kinds of formats (some have more time and creativity in this respect than others). So to level the playing field I was thinking: what if we had a database that could flow into a PDF template?

DNN-Connect 431 6
Peter Donker 5153 30
Declan Ward 560 1